About > OrganizersMaison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la sociétéThe European Institute for humanities and social sciences – Lille North of France, or MESHS, is a research and service unit jointly sponsored by the National Center for Scientific Research, or CNRS, and the higher education institutions of the Hauts-de-France region. The MESHS is part of the National Network of Institutes for Humanities (Réseau national des Maisons des sciences de l’homme). The network is a national research infrastructure for humanities and social sciences that federates 23 institutes in France whose main missions are to promote interdisciplinarity, internationalization of research, interinstitutional collaboration, regional research dynamics and specific research areas proper to each institute. The scientific project of the MESHS is developed around three thematic areas and two transversal axes. One of these axes focuses on digital humanities. Its main objective is to support and encourage relevant research activities and its actions are three-fold: - financial and logistic support of digital humanities projects
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital HistoryThe Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History C2 DH) is a research centre of the highest academic excellence for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach with a particular focus on new digital methods and tools for historical research and teaching. The interdisciplinary centre aims to perform as a key player in three interrelated fields of interest: The centre therefore has a particular focus on the use of digital methods and tools for historical research and serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history in Luxembourg. |